[LM 1020] Sub. Code: 4719 Q.P. Code : 664719
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree examination Second Year Paper IV
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Community Health Nursing
February 2018
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) Define food hygiene.
b) Explain the aims and various methods of food preservation.
2. a) Define malnutrition.
b) Describe the causes of malnutrition.
c) Role of community health nurse in nutritional programme.
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Dimensions of health.
2. Prevention and control of dengue.
3. Epidemiological triad.
4. Parameters used to assess the nutritional status.
5. Demographic cycle.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Define community health nursing.
2. Enlist two milk borne diseases.
3. What is primary prevention?
4. List out four lower respiratory infections.
5. Mention two best sources of iodine.
6. Define birth rate.
7. Mention any four causes of over population.
8. Mention two bactericidal tuberculosis drugs.
9. List down any four arthropod infection.
10. Write down two noise control measures.
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